Tuesday, 18 November 2008


At Mass today, the Gospel reading was on the parable of the Talents. I am sure you know the story. One guy was given 5 talents, another 2 and the third was given 1. The master who gave them the talents left everything to their initiative. The first two guys invested their talent profitable but the last guy buried his.

Why on earth did he do that? Well he said it was because he was afraid of the master. He considered the master as a mean gentleman that "reaps where he did not sow and gathers where he did not scatter. How honest that was! How admirable and audacious! He said his mind. And if that is truly the case with his master, we can really lay blames on the poor guy.

Well the guy was wrong in his perception of the master. The story reveals the master as a generous, wise and considerate man. Remember he did not even ask the other two servants to refund him his capital; he gave them but the capital and the profit. This act alone does not potrait someone who reaps where he did not sow.

In reality, friend, man of us are like this third servant in the sense that we have a misguided notion about God. There are not a few people who think God kind of a kill-fun entity out there who places laws against does things that makes us feel good. Some see God as one big mean fellow that punishes us with a guilty conscience when we do some of the things we like to do.

No, that is not God. God is love and whatever he tells us to do, he tells us because he cares about us and because He knows that at the end that won't make us happy. He is calling you and me to us our three Ts: time, treasure and talent . we must not bury them as the third servant erroneously did. We should use them for the betterment of the world, to put a smile in the face of the needy person next door, we should use them to promote justice and right morals wherever we find ourselves. In short, we should us our 3 'T's to build the kingdom of God here on earth. Be sure of this: there is an abundant reward in store for anyone who does this. God will faithfully multiply his or her lot until he or she becomes more or less intoxicated with blessing. I mean it. it's true; I have tried it. May be you can do the same. Try and see. PEACE

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