Wednesday, 1 May 2013


Monday, 5th Week of Easter, Year C

Acts 14:5-18; John 14:21-26

It has been said that humility is the mother of all virtues. This is very much true in the sense that humility attracts and beautifies all other virtues; the lack of it spoils even the noblest of gifts. It is not without reason that Scripture says that God accords His favours to the humble (1Peter 5:5). It is a garment that all Christians (regardless of how highly placed or spiritually gifted) need to wear constantly. Humility is sincerity; the opposite of it is pride and pretension.

I think the first reading of today is quite instructive in this regard. Paul and Barnabas were now preaching the good news of Jesus Christ in Lycaonia. In the hall was a cripple from birth who was listenning to the Apostle with rapt attention. When Paul noticed that the young man had developed enough faith to be healed, he said to him in a loud voice, "Get to your feet". Immediately, the cripple jumped up and began to walk. It was a miracle and those around were so astounded that they thought to themselves "Surely, these guys are gods; they have only visited us in human form". They named Paul Hermes and Barnabas Zeus after the gods they worshipped and were even ready to begin offering sacrifices to them when the apostles had to vehemently oppose it. "We are mere humans like you", they said in vexation and embarrassment, "why would you want to do such?" And they siezed the opportunity to even talk more on the greatness of God.

I wonder how many Christians or even pastors today will be able to act in like manner. How many of us will have the strength to refuse being exalted above our head? Ours is an age and society where there is so much craze for recognition and prestige and popularity. Many have been caught in the web and have begun to assume the place of God consciously or unconsciously. Usurping the glory that belongs to God alone, we have often sought to satisfy our egos with vainglory. It is evidence of lack of humility. Oh, how much we need this vitue today.

So let us pray, throug the intercession of St Catherine whose feast we celebrate today, that God will remove from us any gift that will make us proud and help us to use the gift we have in grateful acknowledgement of the Source.

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