Friday, 1 February 2013

Friday, Third Week of Ordinary Time, Year C

Hebrew 10:32-39/ Mark 4:26-34

It seems Jesus likes talking in parables. He uttered about 50 recorded parables in the course of His public life. It was his privileged method of teaching. In fact, parables cover more than one third of the spoken words of our Lord. The interesting thing about Jesus’ parables is that they were both simple and profound: simple in their presentation but deep in their meaning or significance. They concern simple everyday events, like a farming going out to plant or a woman who losing one of her coins. People could easily relate well to those stories. But not many of them were able to grasp their deep spiritual significance. Even the disciples had to ask for clarifications on some occasion.

Today’s gospel reading is a typical illustration. Jesus gives two seemingly simple parables: one about a farmer planting grains and the other about a mustard seed. The disciples understood the story but they did not get the message until He explained it to them privately.

Jesus likes to talk in parables; it’s seems to be God’s favourite pedagogy. And He still speaks in parables even today, in the very ordinary events of our lives.  The happy moment you shared yesterday with your friend; what your wife told you this morning; the sad event of the loss of your pet; the malfunctioning of the ceiling fan; the facebook post you just read... these may be God’s parables, His way of communicating some spiritual truths to you through the very ordinary. You want to understand what the parables mean? Go to Him privately as the disciples did and ask Him to explain Himself.

Have a nice day and God loves you.  

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