Thursday, 17 January 2013

First Week, Ordinary Time, Tuesday, 15 January 2013

(Hebrews 2:5-12/Mark 1:21-28)

Human beings are neither the strongest nor the biggest of the animals. We are not even the finest. Why then are we the most dignified? Well, it has to be because God the Creator wanted it so. Have you noticed the striking change of tune regarding man in the Genesis' account of creation? All other creatures came into being with a majestic "Let there be". When it came to man, God paused and as if having a consultation with Himself, declared: "Let Us make man in our own image and likeness". And so it was, a creature bearing the image and likeness the Creator. After He had done this, God appointed human beings as master and care-taker of the whole of creation. Up to this point, however, we were but creatures, noble and glorified creatures bearing the imprint and the likeness of the creature.

Something unfortunate and fortunate (depending on which perspective you look at it) happened. Man sinned against God by pride and disobedience. God decided to make out of the bad situation an opportunity to draw man closer to Himself by proving to him how much He loves Him. When Jesus came into the picture, as the First Reading from the letter to the Hebrews bears witness, it was the fulfillment of God’s plan. Man got more then he could bargain for: God went down to the extent of becoming man so that the children of men can become children of God. See, we've got a “promotion”; we are no more mere creatures but adopted sons and daughters of God, thanks to Jesus Christ. 

If this is how valuable we are in the sight of God, how much more should we respect and value each other. Every human person deserves respect regardless of what she has or has not. Does not the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights state at a primary instance that “All human beings are born free and equal in DIGNITY and rights? No human soul is of less valuable than the other. 

There are many factors that militate against this dignity: the devil for one – we hear in the Gospel reading how he possessed and tormented a poor soul. It’s Jesus’ concern to restore and reaffirm human dignity. We should be on the same track.

Have a nice day and God loves you.

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